The Advanced Planning Report Text
The purpose of this Advance Planning Report (APR) is to evaluate existing traffic conditions and determine the need and feasibility of improving approximately 0.97 miles of Tazewell Pike (S.R. 331) located in northeast Knoxville between Broadway (U.S. 441, S.R. 33) and Smithwood Road. This area of Knoxville has experienced significant development resulting in increased traffic without the necessary traffic accommodations to provide acceptable operations.
Therefore, the transportation infrastructure must be improved to better manage the existing traffic conditions and to prepare for future growth anticipated in the area. This APR addresses Tazewell Pike (S.R. 33) from Broadway to Smithwood Road. This APR was commissioned by the City of Knoxville and has been developed in cooperation with the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT).
The APR analyzes existing (1999), projected 2004 baseline, and projected 2024 traffic conditions for Tazewell Pike, estimates right-of-way, develops construction costs, and identifies environmental concerns.
Accident Rate 20.30 Statewide Avg. Accident Rate 3.32
Tazewell Pike (S.R. 331) extends northeast from Broadway and is a state secondary route. Its functional classification is an urban minor arterial street with an average daily traffic (ADT) volume of 12,460. Traffic signals exist at its intersection with Jacksboro Pike.
Regional facilities accessing Tazewell Pike include Broadway (US 441) to the southwest. Access to Interstate 640 is provided south on Broadway. Broadway also provides access to the Knoxville CBD. Traffic counts were conducted for an eight-hour period thereby providing the peak-hour traffic volumes. Capacity and level of service analyses were conducted for the principal intersections and the results are illustrated in Figures A3 and A4 for the AM and PM peaks.
While not entirely apparent from the LOS analysis, congestion between Broadway and Jacksboro Pike and at the Sanders Road / Jacksboro Pike intersection can be severe during peak periods. In the morning peak hour, queues on westbound Tazewell Pike at Jacksboro Pike occur back to the cemetery and delays of over 3 minutes are normal. Similar delays occur in the afternoon between Broadway and Jacksboro Pike.
From the 1999 traffic counts conducted, design hour volumes (DHV) were developed for 2004. The 2004 traffic projections were determined using historical traffic counts for the past ten years which identified an annual growth rate of 3.0 percent; therefore the five year baseline traffic was calculated by factoring the 1999 DHV by 1.15.
Improvements proposed for Tazewell Pike include the intersection of Jacksboro Pike and widening Tazewell Pike to provide a typical cross section of five-lanes from Broadway northeast to Jacksboro Pike where the cross-section transitions to the existing two lane roadway. The northbound right-turn approach of Tazewell Pike to eastbound Tazewell Pike at Jacksboro Pike would be a free-flow movement, and the southwestbound approach of Tazewell Pike at Broadway will have a channelized right-turn lane to northbound Broadway. In addition, the intersection of Tazewell Pike at Jacksboro Pike and Sanders Road is proposed to have two through lanes for the movement between Tazewell and Jacksboro Pikes. Single left-turn lanes provide the turning movements for northbound, southbound, and eastbound approaches. The westbound approach would have a double left-turn lane from Tazewell Pike. The typical section proposed for the five-lane facility is an 88-foot R.O.W. with five 12-foot travel lanes, two 2-foot bicycle lanes, 2-foot curb and gutter, and 7-foot sidewalks.

The purpose of this Advance Planning Report (APR) is to evaluate existing traffic conditions and determine the need and feasibility of improving approximately 0.97 miles of Tazewell Pike (S.R. 331) located in northeast Knoxville between Broadway (U.S. 441, S.R. 33) and Smithwood Road. This area of Knoxville has experienced significant development resulting in increased traffic without the necessary traffic accommodations to provide acceptable operations.
Therefore, the transportation infrastructure must be improved to better manage the existing traffic conditions and to prepare for future growth anticipated in the area. This APR addresses Tazewell Pike (S.R. 33) from Broadway to Smithwood Road. This APR was commissioned by the City of Knoxville and has been developed in cooperation with the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT).
The APR analyzes existing (1999), projected 2004 baseline, and projected 2024 traffic conditions for Tazewell Pike, estimates right-of-way, develops construction costs, and identifies environmental concerns.
Accident Rate 20.30 Statewide Avg. Accident Rate 3.32
Tazewell Pike (S.R. 331) extends northeast from Broadway and is a state secondary route. Its functional classification is an urban minor arterial street with an average daily traffic (ADT) volume of 12,460. Traffic signals exist at its intersection with Jacksboro Pike.
Regional facilities accessing Tazewell Pike include Broadway (US 441) to the southwest. Access to Interstate 640 is provided south on Broadway. Broadway also provides access to the Knoxville CBD. Traffic counts were conducted for an eight-hour period thereby providing the peak-hour traffic volumes. Capacity and level of service analyses were conducted for the principal intersections and the results are illustrated in Figures A3 and A4 for the AM and PM peaks.
While not entirely apparent from the LOS analysis, congestion between Broadway and Jacksboro Pike and at the Sanders Road / Jacksboro Pike intersection can be severe during peak periods. In the morning peak hour, queues on westbound Tazewell Pike at Jacksboro Pike occur back to the cemetery and delays of over 3 minutes are normal. Similar delays occur in the afternoon between Broadway and Jacksboro Pike.
From the 1999 traffic counts conducted, design hour volumes (DHV) were developed for 2004. The 2004 traffic projections were determined using historical traffic counts for the past ten years which identified an annual growth rate of 3.0 percent; therefore the five year baseline traffic was calculated by factoring the 1999 DHV by 1.15.
Improvements proposed for Tazewell Pike include the intersection of Jacksboro Pike and widening Tazewell Pike to provide a typical cross section of five-lanes from Broadway northeast to Jacksboro Pike where the cross-section transitions to the existing two lane roadway. The northbound right-turn approach of Tazewell Pike to eastbound Tazewell Pike at Jacksboro Pike would be a free-flow movement, and the southwestbound approach of Tazewell Pike at Broadway will have a channelized right-turn lane to northbound Broadway. In addition, the intersection of Tazewell Pike at Jacksboro Pike and Sanders Road is proposed to have two through lanes for the movement between Tazewell and Jacksboro Pikes. Single left-turn lanes provide the turning movements for northbound, southbound, and eastbound approaches. The westbound approach would have a double left-turn lane from Tazewell Pike. The typical section proposed for the five-lane facility is an 88-foot R.O.W. with five 12-foot travel lanes, two 2-foot bicycle lanes, 2-foot curb and gutter, and 7-foot sidewalks.